About my Poetry...

This is a Satanic Pilgrim. The poetries on this page are completely my own creations.

My Poetries: They categorically deal with Death, bitter betrayals, seperations...
Because Life is bitter...deal with it...We Die because We Live...Betrayal is in Human blood and Seperation...
as Matthew Arnold had said...
"We mortal millions live alone..."
"...Who order'd that their longing's fire
Should be, as soon as kindled, cool'd ?
Who renders vain their deep desires ?-
...A God, a god their severance rul'd..."

Friday, June 20, 2008

You and Me!

The night is young, So are the two hearts-
Beating in the rhythm of love,
As they lie together
Under the starry sky.

Fondling with her nimble fingers,
I whisper into her ear...
"You can hurt me...
But don't desert me, my Sweet heart!"
She leans over me...
Kisses my forehead...
And assures me with a loving smile-
"Dear, I am right here...
For you forever, oh dear!"

Tonight won't last forever,
The cool breeze will stop...
Only to blow never,
And our tender hearts
Will be scorched by the jealous Sun
I do fear!

So come now!
Let's live this moment forever...
And show the world how-
Two hearts pulled apart by "norms"
Can still be together...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This one makes me think of first love. The way love consumes us the first time around. Where love is still innocent and naive. Where we know love can go wrong, but don't spend every moment in worry.

"And show the world how-
Two hearts pulled apart by "norms"
Can still be together..." - Meaning friends and family are against the union?

Its a sweet poem and romantic. Great!

- Midnight Raven

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