About my Poetry...

This is a Satanic Pilgrim. The poetries on this page are completely my own creations.

My Poetries: They categorically deal with Death, bitter betrayals, seperations...
Because Life is bitter...deal with it...We Die because We Live...Betrayal is in Human blood and Seperation...
as Matthew Arnold had said...
"We mortal millions live alone..."
"...Who order'd that their longing's fire
Should be, as soon as kindled, cool'd ?
Who renders vain their deep desires ?-
...A God, a god their severance rul'd..."

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Care Free

This life aint meant for me,
I’ve tried to put it all away,
But You don’t wanna see-
This life aint for me

Closed down in this concrete jungle
Free life beckons me…
Oh! I can see! I can see!
This life aint meant for me.

I wanna run,
Like a run-away truck
Along the green trees.
I wanna get swept away
Like a broken twig
By the foamy foamy stream…

The winnowing wind
Playing with my hair,
The birds chirping
And the scented air…
Oh so perfect! So serene!
I see, I see this life aint meant for me!

I have seen the sun
Rising from behind the buildings,
Wanna see it now set
Beyond those hills.
I have smelt

The burning coal and gas
Wanna smell

That summer breeze so fresh!

Life in the city
So busy and bold
Living in Nature
I want to grow old.

I walk…my feet stifling in the leather
My bare feet long to walk thither
Stepping on the cool green grass
And stamping the dew drops
In no care.

Life so free and pristine
Beckons me-
I dash out of my door

To embrace the life I adore...


cloud2rain said...

I love this. Actually I love all your stuff. Wish I could put my feelings into words like you do. Kudos!

Anonymous said...

This poem is sad; being chained to the hectic city life and wishing for a slow country life.

"I’ve tried to put it all away,
But You don’t wanna see-" - This line makes me think of anger and depression.

I really like this one; instead of hearing everyone boast about how great city life is... In this one you show appreciation and longing for life's simple beauties. Not man's creations... barriers from beauty itself.

I hope you find your long awaited freedom! Freedom to be who you are inside and live the way you truly wish to live. xoxo

- Midnight Raven

tweedledee.tweedledum05 said...
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