About my Poetry...

This is a Satanic Pilgrim. The poetries on this page are completely my own creations.

My Poetries: They categorically deal with Death, bitter betrayals, seperations...
Because Life is bitter...deal with it...We Die because We Live...Betrayal is in Human blood and Seperation...
as Matthew Arnold had said...
"We mortal millions live alone..."
"...Who order'd that their longing's fire
Should be, as soon as kindled, cool'd ?
Who renders vain their deep desires ?-
...A God, a god their severance rul'd..."

Friday, September 7, 2007

Dark Life

Encircling dark clouds,
Hovering over me.
The smell of deceit.
Betrayal bitter in me.
Still tears making its way somehow...

The silent scream of breath,
Echoing in my heart.
Bleeding, scratched and bruised and battered,
My destiny summons me...

Undispelling darkness hovers around me.
Alone I stand in this empty street,
With the Demons watching over me...
And whipping me for every wrong step I take
And I abjure the way of Truth.

Darkness surrounds me
Like a blanket with no ends...
Entangled in my past sins
I strangle myself dead.

My miseries stretch like the desert sand.
Seven seas cannot quench my thirst,
The sun too little to quell the darkness...
And Darkness surrounds me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A lot of pain... I'm sorry for all of your pain.

"Still tears making its way somehow..." - I like this line; very relatable.

"Darkness surrounds me
Like a blanket with no ends...
Entangled in my past sins
I strangle myself dead."- strong lines. You can imagine the darkness easily.

"My miseries stretch like the desert sand.
Seven seas cannot quench my thirst,
The sun too little to quell the darkness...
And Darkness surrounds me." - I quite liked these lines. It makes you understand that the pain is deep and not one moment can fix everything; not even lifetimes can heal the wounds.

- Midnight Raven

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